This is the 3rd time Sheyanne went to Saloon for hair cut. This round, she can sit on her own. From the begining time, she is still calm and no crying. Hubby gave her handphone with her favourites song - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars. She holding it and start shaking her body. The hair stylist also laugh as she moving her body but it is hard to cut when she moving around. Hehe:) After a while, she took off the towel which used to cover the hair not drop on her shirt and cried. Luckily very fast, her new hair cut is done. This costed RM3. Haha:) Now she got new nick name. Her " gu jie" used to call her "little kim" (八两金). So bad. but she look cute with it too ma. Haha:)

Sheyanne:"What is he going to do on me?"

Sheyanne:"Help! Help!"
After spagetti brunch, we went home to prepare for Gymboree Class. She is the eldest in class now but also the shortest in class. There having basket ball section today but all of the babies can throw the ball inside the basket by themselves except Sheyanne. She was not enough tall to throw in. Imagine how short is she. Haha:)

She bite the ball until can see her teeth scar

Enjoyed on parashoot ride
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