I had planned to meet Edmond & Fion long time ago. Had been waiting them come back from KK since CNY. We had a gathering dinner meet up @ Sri Petaling Fusion Heaven Restaurant today. Too bad, Cerrise is sleeping & I cant see her & carry her. Btw, I think Sheyanne will jealous if I carry others. :) Anyway, we shared many parenting tips together. Hehe:) Its fun & happy. Cerrise is very cute, chubby & for me she is not very tiny size. Compared, Sheyanne was much more tiny last time. Good job Fion is breasffeeding Cerrise now and I hope she can breastfeed for a longer period. :) Keep it up! Lu Yee is planning to get pregnant too. Hope she will has a great one. Again another meal treat by Edmond. Next meal must pay by me, ok? Not always you pay one or AA style, ok? Hehe:) Will meet them again for another dinner. Want to play with Cerrise!:), pls let her sleep before we meet next time so that she can awake to play around with us. Hehe:)

Hot mam- Fion & Sheyanne

Old Friends..
miss cerisse so much!! next time must find a chance to meet ur sheyanne too~~ ask edmond treat me eat oso.. lol!!
Haha:) She is so chubby & cute! Find one day you come kl, then we have a meal togetehr then all babies can gathered together also lor..:)
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