Sheyanne:" Mei Mei, I Love you!"
Since hubby is working today even it is a public holiday. CY invited me as her model for pregnancy photoshooting. I bring Sheyanne together for the shooting as well. Early morning, CY & Justin came to my place to pick us and WY joined us together too.The weather is good and we had choosen the Bukit Jalil Park as our venue. A fun big playground and playland for Sheyanne to spend her energy there. She was so excited in the morning after I told her we are going to Park with "jie jie". She was bagging me to go down after changed even CY not reach yet. Haih..:)
So we waited downstairs and she was seems impatience after a while of waiting. Keep asking me,"why jie jie not yet reach?" Our "car" finally reach by 9.10am. Sheyanne act a bit shy in car when satrting. After some chat and playig tickles, she is ok already.

Catching the color effect!

Look natural!

35 weeks pregnancy!


With cap

Lovely Daughter & mummy
As we reached, the park is full of kids. Sheyanne was so excited looking at the big playground there. Can't wait to go for fun. :) This outing is tiring but the photos taken by the 3 professional photographer is really nice and satisfied!

Look @ her cheeky face!

Action fast!

Slide! (WF commented look like Nike advertisement)

Professional photographer really climb up together to snap photos...thanks WY!

Almost all pics showing her tongue!
After some fun, we headed to our brunch in IOI boulevard in Papparich. Sheyanne was exhausted and just same as us. Adults were even tiring taking care of her. Sheyanne enjoyed her day so much!

Walk till so "ying"!

Catching the bubbles is her favourite

Love this shot so much!

Swing Time!

Love the color effect of this pic!

So stick with Justin..:P

Time to say "bye bye" to the Park
CY,WY & Justin had done a great job! Thank you very much for the nice shooting and outing. Reached home, Sheyanne just had a nap while I spend my time to do the laundry. As I wanted to nap, Sheyanne just woke up from her nap. OMG..I got no chance to rest at all....
very lovely photos :-). Your tummy is still so small at 35 weeks. I was like a hyppo! haha!
i love the photos... who are the photographers? i don;t mind trying out their service :-)
Haha:) Thanks. I m petite size type. Belly if grow too big I may need to lied on bed till birth.. Haha:) Body cannot support later..
They are really good photographers..Hehe:) Let me know when you need their contacts then.
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