Before we left, we went down to the Cold Strorage to buy Ann some snacks. When we're about to left, we met Uncle Eng and his wife from the escalator. I shouted Uncle Eng and we do stop by for some chat. Just knew that, Baby Jayne having the same birthday with Uncle Eng. :) Next year must greet him happy birthday when Jayne birthday as well. :)
We left Gardens and headed to Pudu. Baby Jayne schedule for vaccination is overdue. Pity Jayne cried so loudly and pityful during the injection. Doctor Tham said she is stable and have strong neck already. Weight @ 5.6kgs After that, we are heading to Queens Park for Quicksilver & Roxy warehouse sales.
Sheyanne got a new sets from Esprit. She spent even more than me. :P She loves it so much and told me she want to change the new clothes in car when we're on the way home. Really cannot wait child. But she look great on it. Luckily now her clothes can pass to Jayne later when she grown up.
Since parents in law were having dinner at night, we and SIL dined together in Midvalley @ Mdm Kwan's. The purpose of dining there is to bring Ann to see the Pirates of the Caribbean decor there. Very nice and attractive decor there. We taken many photos there.

Me, Ann & Li Ee
She was attracted by somethings else

Both "gu jie" complaining Ann is heavy to carry now
Sleeping Jayne in Mummy Sling

Shake hands with skeleton

Diamond for you!

My sweet pie

Without her face but i like this photos

Ann waved her hands & said Hi to the skeleton

Ann:"This is my gun!"


Ann:" I m strong"

Ann:" Some, I shoot for you!"

Her favourites - riding!
very babai wan .. so small learn ppl take camera !! haha..
didnt even can see a pirate ship ..
i saw my friends take so nice !! haha ..
got upload in blog only..we no bring big lense there..only potrait lense so no nice view picture..:)
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