Our Lovely Princesses - Sheyanne & Jayne
Father day celebration always is tiny and smaller compared to Mother day celebration always. For us, we didn't really have big celebration every year. We just have a simple dinner @ HLT, Pudu. It was quite late and we reach restaurant ard 9pm.

Hubby was celebrating her 3rd Father's Day together with 2 lovely princess this year. Ann sometimes is very kind and good sister to be but she will jealous too and bully her little sister always too.
Happy Father's Day to all daddies.

Jayne had grown up much and may start her crawling soon..**i guess**
We didn't celebrate Father's day here... haha. very bad of me! Your two princess are getting more and more prettier just like mummy! ^.^
Thanks Serene, just a simple dinner.:) ppl always celebration more on Mother Day but not Father Day. Hehe:)
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