Baby Jayne just woke up

We eat, she also wanna eat

My mom & Ann

"Kau fu" with2 nieces

Daddy & Jayne

Mummy & lil angels

Warm picture

Mother & daughter

Ann can't wait for the yummy cake
Dad was not around. He got a meeting in that morning. Too bad. It gave a FOC Tiramisu cake for my mom as well. The cake is so much yummy & all of us like it so much. :)

Ann likes the fountain so much

After the brunch, we went to Pavilion shopping together with Bok. We were looking the swimming float for Ann for the coming trip to Pangkor Laut since her old one is spoilt. Finally she choosen a duck shape float and a small penguin water gun. These were sponsered by 'poh poh'. Haha:)
Thanks mom for the sponsored and my brother - Foo for the Dim Sum treat. Haha:) We had a great Sunday.
suddenly so many post ! Ann is so cute.. omg ! I love her so much ! lol .... so many cakes.. so nice.. i want join next time !
wait la...few more years later...:)celebrate dad bday in japan next year la..:P or my bday! haha:)
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