Today when I went to pick her around 7.30pm, she was sleeping. FIL mentioned she didn't had much nap in the afternoon. So FIL carried her to my car and I went my mom place for dinner as usual. When half way, she was awake, surprisingly she didn't cry also. So good girl. Then she said,"Mummy, 回家玩 boo shume." (Boo shume is a game created by her daddy) Then I said, :" OK! Mummy 回家跟你玩。" Then she told me again, “ Daddy 没有在, Daddy Penang 做工。" Wondering how come kids nowadays are so smart. After a while, she told me again,“ 等Daddy回来,去坐马。 ” (She loves those machines rides)

Her new pet - gold fishes (Photo taken last weekend)
Today I noticed 2 goldfishes are dead when I reached home after work. Oh my god..wondering how is Sheyanne reaction. So when she was homed, and time to feed the fish, she pointed on the dead fishes and said :"那个鱼没有跑了!" Haha:) So funny.

Concentrating on her LEGO

Almost done!
Before sleep, we had some chatting and playing in the bedroom. She was playing her LEGO. She showed me her masterpiece of works. She loves it and I m happy that she know how to play too. Although outcome is not a very perfect one. But she can used her creativity and told me what she had done. Haha:)

Sheyanne:"Mummy 你看,我有两个楼梯!” (Mummy you see, I got 2 stairs)

Her masterpiece of work
On the other hand her old baby blanket is too small for her and no longer enough to cover her body already. I gave her a new bigger blanket today and she was so happy with it. She pointed on her old blanket and said," 这个小小的给妹妹!” (This small blanket give to small sister)
Then she cover her new one happily. Before sleep, she told me," Mummy 有被被, Daddy 有被被, Ann Ann 有被被,妹妹有被被,一人一个!“ (Mummy have, Daddy have, Ann Ann have, sister have, everyone have one blanket) So cute. Sometimes I wondering where she learn all this talking from. :)

Her hayley is so clean after a wash today!
can you record her talking next time ?
i want to hear.. wahaha !
Too short time to record la. Coz I m busy listening and always forgot to record geh!! I try my best la.
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