Love the cheeky Ann so much!
Today we brought 2 sweetie for vaccination. Sheyanne totally do not aware that she also will be injected at all after Ann's Gymbo class. Baby Jayne go 1st. As Doctor injected her buttocks, she shouted like crying but as I turned her body facing me, she replied me with a big smile. :) 
Had our lunch @ Bangsar Village before Vaccination!
After all, Sheyanne turns. Once Baby Jayne is done, she said," Let's go!" Haha:) Hubby cheat her that daddy hand pain, need to inject also. :) Daddy carried her to the bed and with help of nurse very soon it is done too. She didn't cried and shout as doctor injected. But she 扁嘴 after done.
Cradle her a while and gave her sweets to keep her quiet and calm down. Hehe:) Really a big claps to both of them! Loves you always, Sheyanne and Jayne!
Ann @ Farenheit!
To reward Ann as being a good girl, we headed to Bukit Bintang. Brought her to Snowflakes in Sg Wang to have her favourite desserts. She loves icy and cold dessert so much and due to super hot weather recently, we had ate twice snowflakes already. :)
We had been so outdated and so long time didn't visit Bkt Bintang area. It really had changed so much.
Baby Jayne almost sleep whole day!
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