Monday, May 28, 2012

Virus Infection

My neighbor house is an empty house. We had been staying for about 5 years, the house next to us still empty. Last few weeks, there is a pregnant cat jump inside the grilled door next to us and gave birth of 2 little kittens. I think the mummy cat able to jump out and look for food after birth, but the new  born kitten is just too small and not able to jump so high.

For few days, I keep listening the little kitten making noise all the day. Until last weekend, there is no more sound. Hubby went and peek a boo, he saw the 2 little kitten is dead. OMG! the smelly started to come out and polluted our house.

Worse is the virus spread out and there is "kutu" in front of our house. Our shoes all affected where we still not aware until, me and hubby's foot is bited and itchy. Saturday night, we went to see doctor coz it is getting serious. Doctor told us this is cause by "kutu", then we told him we suspect is from the cat. He requested us to clean the dead body of kitten asap. Then use shieldtox to clean it. With closure at least 2 hours to make the virus die. After that, reopen the door and window and let the wind blow off.
Foot on 27th May 2012
Foot on 28th May 2012
Doctor gave us a cream to apply on the itchy spot. Some medicine for allergy. Feel so sad about the scars on my foot. Any idea how to recover? 

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