Time: 11.30am - 2.30pm
Theme: Hello Kitty & Friends
9th Bento: Birthday Bento for Ann
Sheyanne's Board
The Party Room Decorations
Hello Kitty Sculpture Balloon
We paid GooGoo Wonderland for the balloon decorations. It was a bit expensive but everyone loves it especially Sheyanne. Her face and expression had told me that she loves it so much when she 1st step to the party room. She was so exciting choosing the balloons and can't wait to hold it. She told me she wanna bring home all the balloons. All colors she like it so much. We knew Sheyanne loves balls & balloons so much. So daddy instructed me to go and get a special balloon for her.
Jayne also happy seeing the balloons
Birthday girl with us
Minnie Jayne & 2 gu jie
Minnie Jayne, Ye ye & Li Ee
Jayne & "gong gong"
Sheyanne & her favourite godmom : Kim
Hoho so participate in the theme party
My best friends forever!
Adults food was catered by my mom. Food all "sapu" clean which I felt that is good so I no need to take away the left over food home. Mee siam was ordered thru Aunty Jenny which is good and many loves and getting the contacts from me as well. Thanks Aunty Jenny for the sponsored of the mee siam and small pot of rendang chicken. Infact I didn;t prepared much choices of food coz KEW is charging me RM50 per type of food.
Adults Meal Time
It burst b4 party end. So sad!
Knowing that everyone enjoyed very much in the party especially the kids. They loves the play @ the big playland there, with nice food, cakes cookies. We spent a little too much in this party and yet in return, we found everyone is happy with big smile on face. Although there is a bit messy in the party room coz limited of space of seats, tables and chairs. There are 70 pax of adults. OMG...!!
The cupcakes
Hello Kitty in the garden Cookies Platter
Hello Kitty Jellycake

Our Lovely Family Photos
Happy Birthday to Sheyanne
Birthday girl ready to cut cake
Thanks for those guests who attended the party. We total had 26 kids + 10 babies joined the party. Thank you so much for the presents, gifts, & ang paos. Sincerely thank for coming. I knew Sheyanne was very very happy.
Presents from all of you
There are more photos in my facebook. :) Thanks WY and friends for the photography.
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